0433 213 088

Glass Splash Backs Northern Suburbs

Professional, Experienced, Creative - Glass Splash Backs Northern Suburbs Melbourne.

Expert, reliable & dedicated Melbourne installation specialists with over 10 years experience

Warranty on all workmanship included

The glass splash back is the modern alternative to tiles and offers several benefits over tiles;

Ometek Glass provides the most comprehensive range of glass kitchen splash backs

Perfect for your kitchen, laundry, bathroom, or even in other areas such as offices or reception/entrance areas.

For a free quote or to discuss your requirements, please call 0433 213 088 or send an email to ua.moc.ssalgketemo@ofni to contact us by email


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In wood for a dog
In glass for a dog
In wood for a cat
In glass for a cat
New Installation
Kitchen Bench Installed
Bench Top Not Installed